Thursday, April 28, 2011

Finding Sources

Research is one of the difficult skills a student will need to have a handle on in order to have a successful project.  Background research not only teaches the student more about the project, but also provides them with insights into their topic.  Back in the day, we'd have to pull out an encyclopedia and read the pre-approved, edited article.  Now, there is more than a few websites on nearly every topic (Yes, I say nearly, because we had a research project that we found no information on. The importance of Eye color in peripheral vision.) The trouble is finding a reliable site.  We all know that any idiot can post stuff to the Internet (case-in-point...) We as adults have a hard enough job at times trying to filter the worthless from the golden.  And we have well developed brains! Can you image the problems a 12 year old has?  So though far from perfect, this research form will help them organize their research.  Oh, you'll also probably have to teach them the difference between a right-click and a left-click (my 6th graders don't know this) and that Google is a search engine not where you get your information (most high school students make this error).

Web Research

Good Luck!

Time for Reflection

One of the best teaching tools we have is reflection.  Though greatly underused, there never seems time for it, reflection is the only opportunity the students have to process what they have been doing. 

This is a simple reflection I've used in the past.  I must admit, one of the main reasons I use this reflection is personal.  I love hearing the stories kids tell.  After 2+ months of science fair work with students, it is relaxing and often very humorous to read.  I also use quotes from thier stories in the photo slide show celebration at the end.

Science Fair Reflection

Examples used in Video Slideshow:

"My best memory is when Mr. Goldman came up to my group and said a judge loved our project."
“A mouse maze built for intelligence is genius!”
"Seriously, ask a girl to help you with decorating your board."
“Science Fair, it’s a good place to be.”

Posterboard Checklist

Just a quick post for today.  I've learned not to 1. allow the kids to print on thier own, and 2. make sure everything is done before you print anything.  I follow this for a couple of reasons, if kids print thier own, they'll click the print button 234 times waiting on it to send the first time. This not only clogs the printer it's a huge waste of paper and pricey ink.  I also want to check to see if they have all the required elements and have proper spelling and grammar.  It's important for thier projects to look good.  If you plan on having a Science Fair, then people will be coming in to see the projects. The more refined the projects look the more support you'll have in the future.  Young kids will see a higher standard of work on the displays and will be more prepared to do as well, or in some cases, out do previous years. Half of your work is done is the younger kids get to see examples of what they are expected to do.  I have seen a increase in quality of projects nearly every year.

So, here ya go.
Science Fair Board checklist

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Writing a Proposal

Much of what I will contribute to this sciencelab224 is a very directed set of steps to help the students organize their materials and thoughts.  Here is one of the papers I give out at the very beginning. The proposal.  I cannot tell you how much I have the student refer back to their proposal.  It's the foundation of much of their work.  It helps keep them focused.

Science Fair Proposal

I have found putting the experiment completion date a month before the actual science fair crucial.  In fact, most of my completion dates are 6 weeks prior to science fair.  My goal is to have all the students completed with their project at least 1 week prior to science fair.  This is good for both the student and parent to see.  Time goes fast when working with science fair.  If you have set completion dates throughout it will help keep kids on pace.

Good Luck

Writing the Abstract

I mostly work with 6th grade science students for science fair even though 6th - 8th are science fair contenders at our middle school.  I have found if I break the abstract into workable sections for them they are better able to complete it.  The following documents are word formats and completely editable.  I typically hand out the pages one at a time.  This does not overwhelm the students and allows them to work on this piece by piece.  The final product can then be assembled prior to the printing of the final abstract. 

This abstract is a 5 paragraph format. 

Abstract Paragraph 1
Abstract Paragraph 2
Abstract Paragraph 3
Abstract paragraph 4
Abstract Paragraph 5

The abstract formats can be modified as needed to fit the age group. 

Good Luck!